the work

Girl in white blouse.jpg

the journey of a lifetime...

Each visual artist sees and interprets the world differently. I am a figurative painter who works from life because the study and contemplation of the natural world - particularly the human form - is what captivates me and is a source of endless mystery, beauty and pleasure. For me, painting the figure is a puzzle with infinite solutions. Although the quest for understanding is never ending, and we never completely solve the mystery, it is in the search that we find revelation.

 Like many artists before me, I see the human form as a microcosm of the universe.  The study of Nature’s mysteries is where I find peace. Painting the beauty and harmony of the relationships of the human figure for me it is a form of meditation. The quest to capture the beauty and harmony found in the interrelationships of the human figure and infusing those forms with the spirit of the individual is an artistic prayer. 

Nature … only reveals herself fully to those who seek her reverently...  Harold Speed